Once the appointment is scheduled, you will be expected to pay for it unless you provide a 24 hours advance notice of cancellation (or unless we both agree that you were unable to attend due to circumstances which were beyond your control.) If you fail to cancel your appointment, the fee is $50. These charges are not covered by your insurance and will be solely your responsibility.
Professional Fees
My hourly fee is $135, initial evaluation is $185. In addition to appointments, it is my practice to charge this amount on a prorated basis for other professional services you may require such as report writing, telephone conversations, attendance at meetings or consultations with other professionals which you have authorized, preparation of records or treatment summaries, or the time required to perform any other services which you may request of me.
Billing and Payments
You will be expected to pay for each session or the co-pay and fulfill the deductible you owe at the time of the each session. Statements are mailed monthly and payments are expected within 10 days of receipt. Monthly payments are required to keep your account current.
In order for us to set realistic treatment goals and priorities, it is important to evaluate what resources are available to pay for your treatment. If you have a health insurance policy, it generally provides coverage for mental health treatment. I will provide you with whatever assistance I can in facilitating your receipt of the health benefits for which you are entitled including filling out forms as appropriate and filing claims. However, you and not your insurance company are responsible for full payment of the fee which we have agreed to. I accept most commercial forms of insurance, including Medicare, but I CANNOT, unfortunately accept Medicaid.